Telical Books
Books On Philosophy, Art, Religion, Psychology and Computer-Aided Brainstorming
Telical Books is an independent publishing company, printing books on spirituality, psychology, art, literature, computer-aided brainstorming, and other fascinating topics. Our company mission is to print the books that the large publishing companies have overlooked. We strive to take on issues in our books that help point towards solutions instead of only looking at the problems.
We publish unique works that explore many facets of philosophy, art, religion, psychology and computer science and also reprint scarce books from the past.
We have recently released the reprint of "Bible Stories and Pictures -- A Wonderful Vintage Christian Book." This book is outstanding for its example of 19th Century Christian artwork.
Our current books include: Virtuism: Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue, which is a book on modern philosophy. Hyperreligiosity: Identifying and Overcoming Patterns of Religious Dysfunction and The Experience of Hallucinations in Religious Practice which are books on problems that can occur among the spiritual.
"Grandiosity and the Empowerment of the Spiritual and Artistic"
has now been published.We have recently published, "The Exhaustion of the Interaction of Words: Brainstorming with the ParaMind Brainstorming Program," the first full length book on the linguistic theory implemented in the ParaMind Brainstorming Program. The book discusses that by creating computer-automated word combinations, many new ideas can be created. ParaMind Brainstorming Software has already been mentioned in many books and it was timely that a full length book was dedicated to it.
"Motivated for the Cause", is a unique book comprised of poetry in paragraph format that forms an aesthetically-appealing philosophical dialogue. The combination of poetic verse and deep thought in this anti-novel is designed to be spiritually motivating and intellectually arousing. This is the first formal release of the anti-novels of R.S. Pearson. They have been published in limited editions, circulated in various sections via websites, but have remained underground in the realm of experimental fiction.
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All books will be signed and personalized at your request. Simply add your name or person you want the book inscribed to in the area in the order form, or send an email to info@telicalbooks.com with your information and R.S. will get it.
"In the midst of the growing 'Amusement Park' mentality of today's spiritual "movements," one man has been brave enough to address the dangers involved in being a seeker. Mr. Pearson does not come across as an op- ponent to religion but seems to speak to us from the heart. Every person claiming to be a student of spiritu- ality should have this volume on their bookshelf!"
Lisa M. Miller On "Hyperreligiosity"
Robert, thanks for the clarity and truth in the thoughts you have written, that are a healing vibration that surround you and your readers.
A Reader
Robert Pearson delivers a unique defining work for his Virtuism philosophy. This book is a work of virtue and deserves a place of honor on my bookcase and yours too!
Internationally-known poet Billy Lamont on Virtuism: Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue
R.S. Pearson is mentioned by name in the song the poet Billy Lamont mentions in the following:
"I would like to SPOTLIGHT a tremendous Writer, Thinker, Musician, Poet R. S. Pearson. My poem/song 'self interview/self portrait (a post modern dada)'a collaboration with Blackhouse is dedicated to him. His writings and spiritual insight is like what Arthur Rimbaud would sound like if he spent a season in Heaven instead of A Season In Hell. Pure brilliance. His regenerative, innovative music and presence as well.
Pearson's two books on psychological problems in spiritual practice have been called a "Lucuna in the Literature" by a psychologist, who was not able to give signed endorsements because of his position in an organization that did not allow members to make endorsements.